ALEX Gen AI Plus – Medium Skin Tone [SKU: 101-7140AIM]
Powered by generative AI, the all-new ALEX Gen AI is more than just a simulator and more than just a technical training tool. It’s a comprehensive solution for preparing healthcare professionals to deliver competent, compassionate care as it combines technical procedure training with the soft skills essential for patient-centered care.
Every ALEX Gen AI delivers communication experiences that are dynamic, nuanced, and context-aware, offering advanced adaptability and responsiveness.
Unparalleled ability to simulate complex scenarios and adapt in real-time, delivering personalized learning experiences
Scenarios are AI-generated from brief textual descriptions, making patient authoring streamlined, effortless and efficient
AI assessment provides Al-based automated evaluations
AI speech provides realistic patient-provided interaction and conversational fluency
Refined patient assessment skills with unmatched flexibility and understanding
Superior learner experience reduces frustration and keeps learners engaged
ALEX Gen AI Plus – Medium Skin Tone [SKU: 101-7140AIM]
Powered by generative AI, the all-new ALEX Gen AI is more than just a simulator and more than just a technical training tool. It’s a comprehensive solution for preparing healthcare professionals to deliver competent, compassionate care as it combines technical procedure training with the soft skills essential for patient-centered care.
Every ALEX Gen AI delivers communication experiences that are dynamic, nuanced, and context-aware, offering advanced adaptability and responsiveness.
Unparalleled ability to simulate complex scenarios and adapt in real-time, delivering personalized learning experiences
Scenarios are AI-generated from brief textual descriptions, making patient authoring streamlined, effortless and efficient
AI assessment provides Al-based automated evaluations
AI speech provides realistic patient-provided interaction and conversational fluency
Refined patient assessment skills with unmatched flexibility and understanding
Superior learner experience reduces frustration and keeps learners engaged
Имеет реалистичную виниловую кожу и латексные вены.
Кожа действительно скатывается, когда вы пальпируете вену.
Характерный хлопок можно почувствовать, когда игла проникает в вену.
Реалистичное вос...
Включает голос, накладку на туловище, гениталии и парик.
Для использования с ALEX (101-7120), ALEX Lite 110 В (101-7130M), ALEX Plus 110 В (101-7140M), ALEX Pro (101-7150M) 110 В, ALEX Lite 220 В (...
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