Prestan Professional Adult Face Shields, 50-Pack [SKU: PR00064]
The Prestan Adult Manikin Face Shields are specifically designed to fit the Prestan Professional Adult, PRO+ Adult, Adult Series 2000, and Adult Jaw Thrust Manikins.
Allows for multiple students training on the same manikin without changing the lung bags.
Available in 50-pack.
Three-Year Warranty
Ship Weight: 1 lb.
Dimensions. (Inches): 16 x 5 x 1
Prestan Professional Adult Face Shields, 50-Pack [SKU: PR00064]
The Prestan Adult Manikin Face Shields are specifically designed to fit the Prestan Professional Adult, PRO+ Adult, Adult Series 2000, and Adult Jaw Thrust Manikins.
Allows for multiple students training on the same manikin without changing the lung bags.
Available in 50-pack.
Three-Year Warranty
Ship Weight: 1 lb.
Dimensions. (Inches): 16 x 5 x 1
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