Disposable umbilical cords with clamps, easily replaceable extra vulva, powder to make simulated blood, a modular pregnant belly overlay with permanently installed fetus for training practice of Leopold’s maneuver. Determine the fetus's lie by palpating its skull and kneecaps. A removable abdominal overlay that is interchangeable and optional to see positioning. The lifelike pelvic cavity has pronounced pelvic landmarks, located spinal column, angled birth canal, ilium, ischium, sacrum, sacrospinous ligaments, and greater sciatic notch. The soft vinyl pelvis replicates resistance encountered in a delivery requiring forceps or vacuum intervention. The unit can demonstrate shoulder dystocia, fetal attitude, fetal station, fetal lie, cord prolapse, compound presentation, and cesarean section incision locations can be discussed. This manikin also contains added features of premature and full-term fetuses.
Disposable umbilical cords with clamps, easily replaceable extra vulva, powder to make simulated blood, a modular pregnant belly overlay with permanently installed fetus for training practice of Leopold’s maneuver. Determine the fetus's lie by palpating its skull and kneecaps. A removable abdominal overlay that is interchangeable and optional to see positioning. The lifelike pelvic cavity has pronounced pelvic landmarks, located spinal column, angled birth canal, ilium, ischium, sacrum, sacrospinous ligaments, and greater sciatic notch. The soft vinyl pelvis replicates resistance encountered in a delivery requiring forceps or vacuum intervention. The unit can demonstrate shoulder dystocia, fetal attitude, fetal station, fetal lie, cord prolapse, compound presentation, and cesarean section incision locations can be discussed. This manikin also contains added features of premature and full-term fetuses.