Give your students the opportunity to practice starting various types of IVs with this nonsterile kit. Includes alcohol prep pad, PVP ointment, two 8-ply gauze sponges (2 in. x 2 in.), pair of medium gloves (powder- and latex-free), 1 in. x 3 in. bandage, transparent dressing, latex-free tourniquet, roll of transpore tape (3/4 in. x 18 in.), and patient ID label.
For instructional use only. Not for human of animal use.
Give your students the opportunity to practice starting various types of IVs with this nonsterile kit. Includes alcohol prep pad, PVP ointment, two 8-ply gauze sponges (2 in. x 2 in.), pair of medium gloves (powder- and latex-free), 1 in. x 3 in. bandage, transparent dressing, latex-free tourniquet, roll of transpore tape (3/4 in. x 18 in.), and patient ID label.
For instructional use only. Not for human of animal use.
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